The ABCs of Lower Back Care

Back pain is the most common injury for people today, and can often be quite debilitating, preventing you from working, interrupting your sleep and stopping you from doing the things you love. Low back pain can occur for a variety of reasons. It can be sudden and acute or can become a chronic ache that hangs around, keeping you afraid that each time you move might be the start of the next bout of pain.


Some common signs of low back pain include:

  • Pain on one side of the back
  • Pain in a “band” across the back
  • Pain running down into your legs or bottom
  • Pins and needles or numbness into your legs, even down to your feet and toes
  • Intense grabbing pain and spasm when doing certain movements
  • A sense of needing to keep your back perfectly still from fear of pain

… as well as countless other symptoms. Your back can be assessed and addressed by the experienced Physiotherapists and Chiropractors at Active Back Care – Castle Hill.  They can determine the cause of  your pain and provide the latest treatment methods, backed up by research, to address your specific condition.

Some treatments of these include:

  • Spinal adjustments or Joint manipulation, mobilization, massage- to ease joint stiffness and muscle tension, improving mobility and reducing pain
  • Dry needling- to target trigger points in the muscle to get fast pain relief and reduce muscle spasm.
  • ENAR therapy- using electrical stimulation to desensitise nerves and break down any scar tissue to get long lasting relief
  • Cold Laser therapy- Using intense light to reduce acute pain and inflammation and stimulate muscle and ligament healing in the body
  • Shockwave Therapy – to break up adhesions and muscle tension
  • And a personalised exercise program to strengthen weak muscles and reset neurological pathways that can improve movement patterns and postural or mechanical issues causing your pain.


Our Active Back Care Remedial Massage Therapists can also help provide added relief of low back pain by releasing muscle tension in the mid & lower back, buttock and hip regions and  increasing blood flow and boosting tissue recovery.  As fully trained and accredited practitioners in their own right, our Massage therapists work closely together with our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists to help bring you fast and effective relief.


If you have any symptoms described above, and want a thorough, patient centred approach to relieving your pain contact Active Back Care on (02) 9899 2813 to book your appointment today.

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Cherine Weiland

Cherine puts a strong emphasis on serving patient needs, clinical excellence, community involvement and empowering team training that builds the spirit of excellence that drives Active Back Care.

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